According to Russian media since 01st of January 2011 registration of Russian citizens at their temporary place of residence and work will be simplified. This initiative of the government is intended to limit illegal labor migration (according to public sources about 3 million Russian citizens) and is said to be the first step towards updating of Russian private persons’ registration system. We will definitely face some serious changes in background screening procedures and raw data mining when this law will be implemented. I’ll keep you informed about recent changes in private persons’ registration system but yet I don’t have enough data to say something for sure.
uncovering the truth about background screening procedures in Russia
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Registration of Russian citizens at their place of residence and work will be simplified
According to Russian media since 01st of January 2011 registration of Russian citizens at their temporary place of residence and work will be simplified. This initiative of the government is intended to limit illegal labor migration (according to public sources about 3 million Russian citizens) and is said to be the first step towards updating of Russian private persons’ registration system. We will definitely face some serious changes in background screening procedures and raw data mining when this law will be implemented. I’ll keep you informed about recent changes in private persons’ registration system but yet I don’t have enough data to say something for sure.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Security & Intelligence professionals’ Day.
The 12th of November in Russia we celebrate Security & Intelligence professionals’ day. I want to congratulate my colleagues both Russian and Foreign with this holiday. Let’s make the World a safer place for living and future prosperity of our descendants.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Database of unreliable former employees of the biggest Russian bank
It took me a month to prepare new article for my blog. Initially I planned to send a long research about management of commercial and trade secrets in Russia, but actually I’ m a little overloaded by due diligence projects and it is hard to find spare time and revise the problem. That’s why I’d like to share new important link that will be helpful for you during background screening of bank and finance management professionals in Russia.
Since August 2010 Russian biggest governmental bank Sberbank started to publish the list of former employees dismissed because internal fraud or theft. Initially the list included also those employees who were caught by internal control department but several legal claims forced Sberbank to exclude fraudsters who weren’t brought to the Court.
The list is in Russian language only and is intended to be regularly updated.